A Leading UK Living Hours Employer

Living Hours Employer

The Mackman Group, is a proud early adopter of the Living Hours Employer scheme, and so we join celebrations as the initiative hits its 100th employer.  As an existing accredited Living Wage Employer we felt it important to support a new standard recently introduced by the Living Wage Foundation.

It is our hope that by doing so we will encourage other employers to join us and adopt the standard. The accreditation complements our approach to driving up standards for the UK workforce and serves to underline how we value our people. By doing so we are standing alongside committed brands like Aviva, SpareRoom, and Wealthify.

“Over the past year, low pay and insecure employment have played a huge role in pushing households to the financial brink. Reaching 100 accredited Living Hours employers is a significant milestone that shows the growing momentum behind the movement for secure hours and decent pay in the UK. 

Predictable working hours alongside a real Living Wage are the bedrock of stable finances and a dignified life, yet millions of people still need both. It’s fantastic to see more and more employers leading the way in providing Living Hours alongside the Living Wage and we encourage others to sign up if they can.”

Katherine Chapman, Director of the Living Wage Foundation

Living Hours Employer

The advocacy for a genuine Living Wage has successfully guaranteed that hundreds of thousands of workers now receive a wage sufficient for a decent standard of living, surpassing the minimum set by the government. However, the challenge persists for millions of low-paid workers who face difficulties in securing the necessary hours to meet their basic needs. This is the driving force behind the Living Wage Foundation’s introduction of a novel benchmark—a standard for “Living Hours.”

This new measure sets expectations for employers capable of providing both a real Living Wage and adequate working hours, outlining what excellence in employment practices should entail. Employers need to be a recognised Living Wage employer before they can apply to become a Living Hours employer.

Living Hours Standards

By signing up to the Living Hours standard we are committing to providing our employees with the right to:

  • Decent notice periods for shifts: of at least 4 weeks’ notice, with guaranteed payment if shifts are cancelled within this notice period
  • The right to a contract that reflects accurate hours worked
  • A guaranteed minimum of 16 hours a week (unless the worker requests otherwise)

The Mackman Group provides a safe and supportive work environment for all our employees, and we take our responsibilities towards our workforce seriously. We recognise the importance of ensuring employees are not overworked or forced to work excessive hours.

Paul Mackman, Co-founder and Group Managing Director

Leading the charge as a Living Hours Employer

The Living Wage Foundation has publicly applauded The Mackman Group for being amongst the first to have committed to providing Living Wage Hours to their employees. It was a natural step for our business to sign up to this standard, in part because it was already built into the way that we operated. However, we felt it important to use the opportunity as an early adopter to lead the charge and highlight the importance for other employers to adopt this standard.

It’s wonderful to see companies prioritising their employees’ well-being and going above and beyond the Living Wage. Hopefully, more employers will follow our example and commit to supporting their employees.

Dr Gemma Mackman, Co-founder and Research Director

Living Hours Reports

We recommend discovering more about Living Hours by reviewing the findings and recommendations of the Living Wage Foundation’s research. We have included links below to two key reports:

To celebrate the growing network of Living Hours Employers, join the conversation online and use the hashtag #LivingHours. Together, we can create a fairer society for all workers.